A musical treat for you! Two versions: Dragon and CoCo. The only difference is the loader. 64K required. To load: CLOADM:EXEC In XRoar, fast loading will make short work of this. In MESS, F10 should toggle fast mode, useful while loading, but turn off before you continue. Turn the volume up and press SPACE when prompted to do so. Enjoy! UPDATE: load time reduced a fair chunk. MOAR UPDATE: music-core.s: the music playing bit, albeit without any music. dragonhw.s: support file for above Full source to come once I've tidied things up a *lot*. MOAR MOAR UPDATE: CoCo disk image musical.dsk uploaded (with CoCo 3 compatibility poke suggested by Nick Marentes). To run: LOADM"PART1.BIN" EXEC LOADM"PART2.BIN" EXEC If you have a CoCo 3 and RGB monitor, type "RGB" before any of the above to get the right palette.