〥Shadow BBS V1.0 Documentation€  〧Some Things We Forgot to Mention...€  A few slighlty major items were accidentally ommited from the Shadow BBS documentation booklet. (Oops...) 〥SysOp Menu (Page 7) -€  €§Setup Default Drive Numbers€  This should be the first configuration option done. Please be aware that the BBS does NOT automatically "create" the special files. You will need to copy them from the master disk to the appropriate drive you will be using. For example, if you setup the system so "Text Files" are on Drive 2, you must be sure to COPY all the .TXT files to the disk that will be in drive 2. For a list of all the Text Files, refer to page 17 of the manual. ăCopy the "System Files" to the disk you plan to use for them: ăCONFIG .SYS ROOMS .SYS SURVEY .SYS ăDISCUSS .SYS BULLETIN.SYS DOWNLOAD.SYS €ĄNOTE: The CONFIG.SYS file must ALWAYS be on drive 0. If you put system files on any other drive, you will need to KILL the old CONFIG.SYS from drive 0 then COPY the newly created config file from the new drive to drive 0.€  ăThe "Message Base" files should be copied to your message base disk: ăMSGPOINT.SYS MSGINDEX.SYS MSGTEXT .SYS ăAll other files should be automatically created by the system. €ĄNOTE: A program is included called "BBSCOPY.BAS" that will copy these files for you. Simply RUN"BBSCOPY" and follow the prompts.€  When setting default drives, the "BBS programs on drive" is used for where the Up/Downloads will go. (We forgot to lable this one correctly for some reason.) The version of DFIX included with this release does not set the system up for double sided drives. If you are using double sided drives you must do any necessary POKEs before loading the system. Also, the Disussions may not always successfully initialize. We are currently trying to fix this. Single drive users - watch your disk space! Each discussion takes at least one granual and will grow larger depending on the size limit you set. Other than these, the instructions in the booklet should be correct. The next upgrade will correct these problems. Please let us know if you find any other ommission or if something does not work like the documenation claims it should! 〧Thanks for your understanding and support!€