Getting Started --------------- First of all, before doing anything else, you should make a backup of your original CheckBook+ diskette and use the backup from then on! Store your original copy in a safe place. See your "Color Computer Disk System" owner's manual for more information on backing up diskettes. Next, place CheckBook+ into your drive and type: LOADM "CONFIG" [ENTER] After a moment, you will be asked whether or not you are using an RGB or Composite monitor. This question is asked only to know what type of monitor you are running the configuration program on... NOT what you want CheckBook+ configured to. After pressing 'R' for RGB or 'C' for Composite, a screen will be loaded in with various options to choose from. Using your mouse/joystick (and the Tandy Hi-Res interface), you can move the pointer around the screen to point at the various options. If you want to select your default disk drive as drive 1, point the pointer at the disk marked "1" and click the mouse/joystick button. Your current settings are marked in the middle of the screen. Really, the only option that you may get confused with is the baud rate for your printer. To change it, simply point the pointer into the box containing the current setting and click the mouse/joystick button. This will cycle through the various baud rates. When you are finished, click on the box labeled "SAVE" in the upper -right hand corner of your screen. Now, a list of fonts available on the disk are displayed. I have included 2 public domain fonts for your use. They are "NORMAL.FNT", which is the font that the Color Computer 3 usually uses, and "IBMFONT.FNT", which is a font very similar to the font used on MS-Dos machines. If you have more Color Computer 3 fonts of your own, you can use them by copying them over to the CheckBook+ diskette before running the configuration program. The fonts must have the extension ".FNT" to be recognized by the program. That's it! After the configuration program writes out the configuration file to the disk, you're all set! Using point-and-click! ---------------------- To start up CheckBook+, type: LOADM "CHECKBK+" [ENTER] After a few moments of initialization, you will see CheckBook+'s title screen appear showing general information plus your personalized serial number. To go onto the main screen, simply point to the 'button' marked "OK" and click. The main screen consists of a "display window" in the center of the screen which is sectioned off by 2 blue bars, a "menu bar" at the top of the screen with the options "About, Files, Edit, Special", two display scroll buttons (one up and one down), Top and End buttons, and a Screen option. First, we shall begin with the menu bar. Pull-Down Sub-Menus ------------------- To "pull-down" a sub-menu from the menu bar, simply point to the option you want, About, Files, or Edit, and click. Ignore the Special selection for right now. If you click on About, the title- screen information will simply be re-displayed. Click on the OK button to return. Any other menu bar selection will result in a sub-menu being dropped down. All the options in each menu will be explained further on, but it is important to notice the similarities of the Files and Edit sub-menus. Any options in the sub-menus which can be used are in black lettering and are highlighted when pointed at. Sometimes, conditions are not right for a particular option to be used (i.e. SAVE where there is nothing to save!). That's why some of the options are displayed in gray lettering and are not highlighted when pointed at. You cannot select these. If you ever want to "close-up" a sub-menu, you can move the pointer to anywhere outside the sub-menu box and click. This will cause the sub-menu to disappear. Controlling the Display Window ------------------------------ Now, let's load a sample file into memory to help demonstrate how to use the many features of CheckBook+. Use the mouse/joystick to "pull-down" (click on) FILES on the menu bar. Next, click on LOAD. In a few moments, a disk directory will appear on screen. Files shown in black lettering are selectable, as they are CheckBook+ checkbook files (extension ".CHK"). There should be one sample file named "SAMPLE.CHK" included on your CheckBook+ diskette. Select it by pointing at it and clicking. In just a few moments, the file will be loaded into memory and you will automatically be taken to the main screen and shown the end of the file. Use this sample file to begin to experiment with the many features of CheckBook+ before starting your own "real" account. You are now able to scroll through the file using the up and down scroll boxes. Clicking on one of the scroll boxes causes the screen to scroll up or down one "record" through the file. If you want to scroll through the file by entire screenfulls, click on the small box by the word "SCREEN" so that an "x" appears in the small box. Then, using the scroll boxes will cause CheckBook+ to scroll through the file by entire screens. Also, you can click on the "TOP" or "END" functions to immediately go to the top or the end of the file. The Calculator -------------- Since the calculator icon is also available on the main screen, I'd better tell you about that right out. To activate the "pop-up" calculator, simply click on the calculator icon from the main screen. After doing so, a large blue calculator will appear in the middle of the screen atop whatever text may have already been there. This calculator is controlled totally via the keyboard. Now, I'm not going to go and describe in depth how to use a calculator! Use the numeric keys for numbers (with the period "." for a decimal), "+" for addition, "-" for subtraction, "*" for multiplication, "/" for division, and "=" or [ENTER] for equals. Also, you may press the "C" key to Clear an error during input, but doing so will not delete the last total nor abort the current operation. (See the "CE" or "C" keys in most calculator manuals.) To totally clear out the calculator, press the "A" key for All- Clear (see the "AC" key in most calculator manuals.). Also, the calculator runs in what I like to refer to as a "Money- Mode." That is, it rounds the display off to the nearest penny and always displays to two decimal points. Example: 23 would be 23.00, or 24.3 would be 24.30. You are, however, allowed to enter in decimal values to further decimal positions than just two. The calculator only rounds the display, while it does retain the exact decimal value in memory. If you would like to see the Entire decimal value up to the limit of the display, press the "E" key. Example: If you entered the number 42.02917 and pressed "=", you would see 42.03 (display is rounded to nearest penny). By pressing the "E" key, you would see 42.02917 in the display. The calculator always reverts back to "Money-Mode" at the next operation. To put the calculator away, press the "X" key. Another feature of the calculator is the "running total" memory. Whatever value is in the calculator upon pressing the "X" key will be remembered until the calculator is called up again. Example: If you've done some calculations and the result is 162.42, and you press "X" and exit back to the main screen, the next time you click on the calculator icon, the calculator will come up with 162.42 in the display. If you want to start out fresh, remember you can press the "A" key for All-Clear. The FILES menu -------------- In this menu there are six selections... DIR, LOAD, SAVE, NEW, PRINT, and QUIT. The DIR option will read the disk directory from the default drive and display it on screen. If the listing goes beyond the display limit, you can use the scroll boxes to scroll through the directory listing. At the end of the directory listing is the number of free granules remaining on the disk. LOAD is what you've used to load in the file named "SAMPLE.CHK" earlier in this manual. You should still have it loaded and be trying out the various functions described in this manual. SAVE is the opposite of LOAD. If you have finished entering a new account in memory, or you have finished editing an existing account, you must SAVE it to disk in order to have it in tact later. To abort this operation, simply press ENTER when you are prompted to enter a filename. After entering the filename, CheckBook+ will attempt to save it to the default disk drive. If the filename you provided already exists on the disk, you will be asked if you want to over-write the file, which you will want to do if you are simply updating/editing an existing file. Sometimes, the file in memory is too large to fit on a single disk (this is especially true for 512k systems!). CheckBook+ will fit as much of the file as it can on the first disk, and then prompt you to insert another disk to continue the save. This will continue up to 10 times until the file is totally saved. Upon loading a continued file, you will be prompted to swap disks at the appropriate times. The disks must be inserted in the order that they were saved. If you happen to get the disks in the wrong order, you will prompted again to swap disks. NEW is used to erase a file from memory. You will be asked whether or not you want to continue with the operation. Clicking on OK will clear any account from memory. Clicking on CANCEL will abort this and return you to the main screen. PRINT will send a formatted listing of the account currently in memory to your printer at the baud rate you specified during configuration. If you printer is not "on-line" (not ready to receive data), you will be prompted with "PRINTER NOT ON-LINE." Click on CANCEL to abort or click on "OK" once printer is on-line. QUIT is self-explanatory. The EDIT menu ------------- Many times you will only want to edit an existing account. In the edit menu there are nine options, ENTER INFO, CUT, COPY, INSERT, REPLACE, SHOW CLIP, SEARCH, EDIT CHECK, and FIGURE TOTAL. Clicking on ENTER INFO will let you type in new checks/deposits which will be added to the end of any account currently in memory. If you want the check to be placed somewhere else in the file, use ENTER INFO, and then use one of the editing options below. Before going any further, you must know how to "select" a record (check/deposit). First, you must have the record you want on screen (by using the scroll boxes to find the record you want). Next, point to anywhere on the check and click. The record will be reversed to indicate it is selected. Now, you may use the following editing commands. CUT is used to erase the currently selected record from memory. After doing so, the erased record is copied into a buffer called the "Clipboard." COPY will copy the currently selected record into the Clipboard, but unlike CUT, it will not erase the record from memory. INSERT will take the record stored in the Clipboard buffer and insert it before the currently selected record on screen. REPLACE will replace the currently selected record on screen with the record stored in the Clipboard. If you would like to see what record (if any) is currently in the Clipboard, choose SHOW CLIP. SEARCH is especially useful for large files. Before clicking on SEARCH, you must decide whether you want to search the entire file in memory or just a portion. To search the entire file in memory, make sure no record on screen is "selected" (reversed) and click on SEARCH. To start a search at a particular point in the file, select (reverse) the record you want the search to start at and then click on SEARCH. After clicking on SEARCH, you will be asked whether you are searching for an amount or other. If you are searching for a certain amount of money, click on AMOUNT. Otherwise, click on OTHER. You will now be prompted to enter what you are searching for. Note: SEARCH is case-sensitive which means that if you are searching for "hello" and a record in memory is "Hello", it will not be found since the capitalization does not match... to the computer, these are two totally different letters. Also, when searching for specific dates, do not include the "/" as in the dates "09/29/71", since those slashes are actually not stored in the record. They are only displayed as a convenience to the user. To correctly search for the date above, you would use "092971". Once a record is found, you will be shown the record and ask if you want to continue the search. If a record is not found, you will be told so and returned to the main menu. Upon returning to the main menu, if a record was found during the SEARCH, you will be moved to the point in memory so the record that was found will be at the top of the screen. EDIT CHECK will let you make changes to the currently selected (reversed) record in memory. You will be transferred to another screen and be allowed to choose to edit the check's number, date, amount, FOR-line, TO-line, and/or outstanding status. When you are finished editing the check and you want to keep the changes, click on the option KEEP CHANGES. If you want to leave the check the way it originally was, click on CANCEL. FIGURE TOTAL is a powerful function. It will go through and total your entire checkbook's account for you. After calculating, CheckBook+ will tell you the following: Checkbook Total: $xx.xx Outstanding records: xx Total on outstanding records: $xx.xx Total - Outstanding records: $xx.xx Checkbook total refers to your total "spendable" money in your account, the amount of money that you have in your account including all deposits and all withdrawals. Outstanding records are checks/deposits that you've made but that your bank has not yet acknowledged... for instance, most banks will send out a report at the end of each month stating all the deposits/checks that you made during the past month, plus a balance that your checkbook should balance out to. Outstanding records are how many checks/deposits have not be acknowledged by your back yet, and their total is given by "Total on outstanding records." When you balance your checkbook, you must have your bank statement with you and go through your account changing all the outstanding checks/deposits that are on you bank statement to non-outstanding status. You do this by selecting (reversing) the check/deposit and clicking on the "*" on the main screen. This acts as a toggle between outstanding and non-outstanding status. Outstanding status on a check/deposit is denoted by an "*" on the right-hand side of the check. Now, by using FIGURE TOTAL, the total after "Total - Outstandings" should match the total found on your bank statement. If so, your checkbook is balanced for that month. If the two do not match, go through again and make sure that any check/deposit found on your bank statement does not have an "*" after it (non- outstanding status). Also, any checks/deposits that you made after the month that the bank statement is for should have an "*" after them, since they are still not accounted for on the bank statement. The Special menu ---------------- Due to the large size of the CheckBook+ program, this part of the program must be loaded off disk. Before you can run this function, you must have at least 3 records in memory. You will be asked to make sure your CheckBook+ system disk is in the default drive. Click on OK to continue or CANCEL to abort and return to the main screen. Special is a utility area with some very powerful functions. First, I will describe Sorting. By moving to the SORTS menu, you can tell CheckBook+ to sort your current account in memory in ascending or descending order using the checks' number, date, amount, alphabetically by FOR-line, or alphabetically by TO-line. Depending on how long the account is in memory, the sort may take quite a while. If you get tired of waiting and need to abort the sort, you can do so by pressing the SPACE BAR. This will not always cause an immediate abort, but will abort the sort at a point where none or your data will be destroyed. Also, during the alphabetical sorts, remember that CheckBook+ is case-sensitive, meaning that upper- and lower-case are different from each other. After a sort operation is complete, go back to the main menu, and exit back to CheckBook+. You will then be able to see your freshly sorted account. Graphing is one of the most powerful features of the CheckBook+ software package. You can graph by either months or years. From the main menu, choose the graph operation. You will next be asked whether you want to sort by months or by years. Make your selection. If you're graphing by months, you will be allowed to enter up to 12 months to be graphed. You need to enter at least 2 months to be able to create a graph. When you are finished, simply press ENTER to go to the next menu. For months, enter them in MM/YY format... i.e. September, 1971 would be entered "09/71". If you are graphing by years, enter them in YY format... i.e. 1971 would be "71". Next you will be asked whether you want to graph by withdrawals, deposits, or totals. If you want to graph how much you spent each month/year, press "W" for withdrawals. If you want to graph how much you deposited each month/year, press "D" for deposits. Likewise, if you want to see how much you've had in your account each month/year, press "T" for totals. Now you will be asked to enter a title for the graph. The reason for this is that if you like the way your graph looks, you can save it to disk and possibly incorporate it into your desktop publishing software and print it out. Enter whatever title you want to give the graph. Finally, choose which type of graph you want.. Line-, Bar-, or Circle-graphs can be displayed. Circle-graphs, however, can not display a graph of "Totals" due to the nature of the calculations. After the graph is drawn, an option window pops up. If you like the way the graph looks and would like to save it to disk (for loading from BASIC), choose option 1. If you want to choose again to have Line-, Bar-, or Circle-graph, choose option 2. To go back and change the "graph by Deposits/Withdrawals/Totals" selection, choose option 3. To exit back to the main menu, press 4. And to get a better look at the graph by removing the now annoying option window, press 5. After pressing 5, pressing any key will bring back the option window. Final Notes ----------- Included on your CheckBook+ disk is a program named "GRAFLOAD.BAS". It is used to load in CheckBook+'s graph files. To start the program up, type: RUN "GRAFLOAD" [enter] When prompted for the filename, type it in leaving out the extension. The graph will be loaded into HSCREEN 2 memory and upon exit of the program, the graph will remain in tact and the palettes will be left as they should be for viewing the graph. To exit the program, simply press any key when you're done looking at the graph. From here, you can use whatever converter programs you may have to incorporate the graph into your desktop publishing programs, printer dump software, etc... This program is provided as a convenience to the end user. Please direct any questions/comments to Sub-Etha Software and they will direct them to me, Joel Mathew Hegberg, the author. Thank you for your purchase and for your continued support of the Color Computer! Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this manual as well as bug-free software. Neither Sub-Etha Software nor the author, Joel Mathew Hegberg, assumes any responsibility for any damages of any kind resulting from the use of this product. This program is sold on an "as-is" basis. Trademarks: Color Computer and Color Computer 3 are trademarks of Tandy corporation.